question mark Concrete Answers Series for Architects, Engineers and Developers | Click here for more answers


engineering | financial


Some of the advantages of using
Self-Consolidating Concrete are:


1. SCC can be placed at a faster rate with no mechanical vibration and less screeding, resulting in savings in placement costs.


2. Improved and more uniform architectural surface finish with little to no remedial surface work.


3. Ease of filling restricted sections and hard-to-reach areas. Opportunities to create structural

and architectural shapes and surface finishes not achievable with conventional concrete.


4. Improved consolidation around reinforcement and bond with reinforcement.


5. Improved pumpability.


6. Improved uniformity of in-place concrete by eliminating variable operator-related effort of



7. Labor savings.


8. Shorter construction periods and resulting cost savings.


9. Quicker concrete truck turn-around times, enabling the producer to service the project more efficiently.


10. Reduction or elimination of vibrator noise, potentially increasing construction

hours in urban areas.


11. Minimizes movement of ready mixed trucks and pumps during placement.


12. Increased jobsite safety by eliminating the need for consolidation.


scc picture


SCC will increase:

Early stripping strengths




Design flexibility




SCC will reduce:

Overall production costs


Wear and tear on equipment


Discharge & placement time


Noise levels


Time-consuming cosmetic repairs